Grievance procedure

Activities of PCB "CC Svyaz-sertificat" ANO concerning respond to a complaint is determined by internal documents of the "CC Svyaz-sertificat" ANO "Guidelines for the complaints management" and "Regulations on the Board of Appeals."

Complaints, claims and appeals are accepted for consideration in writing.

With complaints, claims and appeals the applicant must provide documents confirming the validity of his claims.

Grievance procedure includes following steps:

  1. registration of complaint/ claim/ appeal;
  2. examination of complaint/ claim/ appeal by the Head of the Certification Body;
  3. appointment an uninvolved expert to investigate compliant/ claim/ appeal;
  4. investigation of compliant/ claim/ appeal by appointed expert;
  5. analysis and decision for settlement or denial of the grievance;
  6. documenting of decision;
  7. information sharing with applicant concerning decision.
If the applicant does not agree with the decision, he may submit a complaint to the Board of Appeals of "CC Svyaz-sertificat" ANO.

Complaints, claims and appeals relating to the procedures and forms of documents established in the legal and regulatory documents of the Russian Federation or the organizational and methodical documents of accrediting body, the Certification Body does not consider.

Responses to applications to "CC Svyaz-sertificat" ANO shall be sent in writing to the address of the applicant.

If the applicant is not satisfied with the decision taken by the Board of Appeals, he may appeal to the supervisory authority, in the prescribed manner, or go to law.

The decision of the supervisory authority on the grievance of the applicant is required to perform by "CC Svyaz-sertificat" ANO, but it may be appealed in accordance with the procedure established in the Russian Federation.