Product Certification Body "Certification Center
Svyaz-sertificat" ANO
PCB "Certification Center Svyaz-sertificat" ANO is accredited for services for product conformity assessment to the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union.

Accreditation certificate - No. RA.RU.11МЛ26.

By the decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of 09.12.2011. No. 885 PCB "Certification Center Svyaz-sertificat" ANO has been included in the unified register of certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers) of the Customs Union.
Information on PCB "Certification Center Svyaz-sertificat"
Product Certification Body carries out work on products conformity assessment to the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs (Euroasian Economic) Union:
Documents on product conformity
Certificate of conformity
The certificate of conformity to the technical regulations of the Customs Union (TR CU certificate) is a document of an established and uniform type confirming that the product has passed all established assessment procedures and meets the mandatory requirements that are specified in certain technical regulation of the Customs Union.
The design of this document is mandatory and makes it possible to import into and sell product on the territory of the countries of the Customs Union - Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.
It should be borne in mind that during certification all evidence-based materials are collected and evaluated by product certification body.
Declaration of conformity
Declaration of conformity to the technical regulations of the Customs Union (TR CU Declaration) is a document that confirms compliance with mandatory safety requirements for product subject to declaration of conformity to the legislation of the Customs Union.
Declaration of conformity, registered within requirements of the Customs Union, is valid throughout the Customs Union. After passing the declaration procedure, it is allowed to put into circulation product in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.
The declarant is responsible for the safety of the declared product, as well as for the accuracy of the information indicated in the declaration.
When declaring, all the evidence is collected and submitted by the applicant.
Vehicle type approval / chassis type approval
Vehicle type approval (chassis type approval) is a document certifying the conformity of vehicles (chassis), assigned to one type, with the requirements of TR CU 018/2011, and allowing free circulation of product in the territory of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (Russian Federation, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Armenia, Kyrgyz Republic). Conformity assessment of a vehicle (chassis) is carried out by the product certification body in the form of "type approval" to the requirements of the technical regulation established in relation to the type of vehicle (chassis).
Specialists of our Product Certification Body will be glad to help you understand all details of product conformity assessment, offer competent advice and carry out work on conformity assessment.
Certification Center Svyaz-sertificat
+7 (495) 617-12-17
+7 915-030-40-59
121467, Russia, Moscow, Istrinskaya street 8/3