Impartiality Policy

Impartiality Policy of TL "ERA" concerning certification of products, services and management systems is as follows:

  • Supervision of the activities of TL "ERA" regarding ensuring the impartiality, analysis and evaluation of the documents generated in the process of certification and other relevant information.
  • TL is a third party regarding conformity assessment and guarantees of TLs independence on commercial, finance, administrative or other pressure, which has influence on quality of work, on direct financial or other dependence on the Customer.
  • To achieve and maintain the confidence of the customers, solutions based on the results of tests are based on the objective data of test reports.
  • TL agrees not to participate in the implementation of activities that would diminish confidence in its impartiality. These activities include: design, development, manufacture, construction, installation, supply, maintenance, storage, transportation, sale, repair and maintenance of communication means.
  • Staff of TL shall inform the top management about all known circumstances that may create a conflict of interest for them or certification bodies.
  • Top management of "CC Svyaz-sertificat" ANO and TL undertakes obligations to ensure impartiality when carrying out certification activity.