List of documents used during conformity assessment process and specifying requirements to this work

Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" №184-FZ. Adopted by the State Duma on December 15, 2002. Approved by the Federation Council on December 18, 2002. As amended by Federal Laws N 45-FZ dd. 09.05.2005, N 65-FZ dd. 01.05.2007, N 309-FZ dd. 01.12.2007, N 160-FZ dd. 23.07.2008, N 189-FZ dd. 18.07.2009, N 261-FZ dd. 23.11.2009, N 384-FZ dd. 30.12.2009, N 385-FZ dd. 30.12.2009, N 243-FZ dd. 28.09.2010, N 255-FZ dd. 21.07.2011, N 347-FZ dd. 30.11.2011, N 409-FZ dd. 06.12.2011, N 133-FZ dd. 28.07.2012, N 236-FZ dd. 03.12.2012).

RF Government Decree dd. 01.12.2009 №982 "On Approval of the Unified List of Products Subject to Mandatory Certification and the Unified List of Products for which the Confirmation of Conformity Is Made in the Form of a Declaration of Conformity"(as amended RF Government Decrees N 148 dd. 17.03.2010, N 149 dd. 17.03.2010, N 548 dd. 26.07.2010, N 848 dd. 20.10.2010, N 906 dd. 13.11.2010, N 213 dd. 21.03.2012, N 435 dd. 04.05.2012, N 596 dd. 18.06.2012).

Order dd. 16.10.2012 № 682 "On Approval the Criteria of Certification Bodies Accreditation and Testing Laboratories (Centres) and Requirements to them" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 16, 2012 № 25847).

Rules of Interstate Standardization №39-2001 "Requirements to Testing Centres (Laboratories) and Procedure of their Accreditation", adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol № 19-2001 dd. 24.05.2001).

"On Accreditation of Certification Bodies and Testing Laboratories (Centres), Providing Works on Conformity Assessment, Certification of Accreditation Experts, as well as Recruitment and Selection of Accreditation and Technical Experts to Carry Out Work in the Field of Accreditation" (app. by Government Decree dd. 19.05. 2012 № 602, as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dd. 25.02.2014 №146).

GOST R 54293-2010 "Analysis of Production Conditions during the Conformity Assessment Procedure."