Certification and declaration schemes of products conformity and recommendations for their choosing

1. Typical schemes of TR CU certification

Principles of certification scheme choosing:

Certification scheme choosing shall be carried out according to the total risk of inappropriate conformity estimate and damage caused by the use of the product.

Choosing the certification scheme following issues shall be taken in consideration:

  • extent of the potential danger of the product;
  • sensitivity of certified indicators to a change of production factors and (or) operational factors;
  • status of the applicant (manufacturer or seller).

2. Description of typical certification schemes

Certification scheme 1c

Certification of equipment produced in quantity shall be carried out according to the scheme 1c.

Scheme 1c includes following procedures:
  • submission an application including technical documentation for certification in the Certification Body;
  • application examination and response by the Products Certification Body;
  • selection samples for testing by the Products Certification Body;
  • testing of product samples by the accredited test laboratory;
  • conducting analysis of production by the Products Certification Body;
  • procedure for rendering results of the testing and analysis of the production the Products Certification Body and issuance of the certificate of conformity to the applicant (in the case of positive results of this work);
  • labeling uniform mark of products circulation;
  • surveillance of the certified products.
The applicant shall take all necessary measures to ensure stable production process and compliance of manufactured products with technical regulations, form the technical documentation and applies for the certification of its products to the Products Certification Body.

2. Certification scheme 3c

Certification of equipment batch shall be carried out according to the scheme 3c.

The manufacturer shall provide equipment batch made in the uniform customs territory of the Customs Union; the importer or the manufacturer (the person authorized by the manufacturer) shall provide equipment batch imported to the uniform customs territory of the Customs Union.

Scheme 3c includes following procedures:

  • submission an application including technical documentation for certification in the Certification Body;
  • application examination and response by the Products Certification Body;
  • selection samples for testing by the Products Certification Body;
  • testing of product samples by the accredited test laboratory;
  • procedure for rendering results of the testing and analysis of the production the Products Certification Body and issuance of the certificate of conformity to the applicant (in the case of positive results of this work);
  • labeling uniform mark of products circulation.

3. Certification scheme 4c

Certification of a single product shall be carried out according to the scheme 4c.

The manufacturer shall provide a single product made in the uniform customs territory of the Customs Union; the importer or the manufacturer (the person authorized by the manufacturer) shall provide a single product imported to the uniform customs territory of the Customs Union.

Scheme 4c includes following procedures:

  • submission an application including technical documentation for certification in the Certification Body;
  • application examination and response by the Products Certification Body;
  • testing of each item of products by the accredited test laboratory;
  • procedure for rendering results of the testing and issuance of the certificate of conformity to the applicant (in the case of positive results of this work);
  • labeling uniform mark of products circulation.

2. Typical schemes of TR CU declaration